A golden colored cider pouring out of the press in a heavy stream, frothing before turning smooth liquid.

Wines and Ciders

crafted in trumansburg, ny

Sweet Land Farm Cellars is an extension of Sweet Land Farm, where we have a 400 member Summer CSA, a small scale farm winery, and a concert series where we provide food, drink, and merriment. 

Sweet Land Farm Cellars has been producing wines and ciders for three years and currently offer four products to choose from.

Our Cider is made predominantly from Gold Rush apples from our orchard planted in 2007. We add a few bittersweet apples to round out the flavor profile. 

Our wine comes from the Marechal Foch grape, a French hybrid. The beauty of a Marechal Foch rosé is that the rich red color is immediate in the juice. 

Read more about the elements and fermentation processes of our ciders and wines on our about page. 

Circular motif of the rosé in the vat
Circular motif of the rosé in wine glasses on top of the wine barrel
Circular motif showing the cider pulp after straining